Start a 30-day free trial of Pactly

There's no better way to figure out if we can help you draft, review and manage your contracts better than a risk-free trial of our Growth Plan. If you're ready to start, fill out the form and we'll be in touch with your account login details in the next 24 hrs.

Trusted by businesses and legal teams of all sizes
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Frequently asked questions

Why do I need to wait for 24 hrs for trial access?

We verify all trial requests to make sure that they are real & legitimate. This is because we are a pretty small team here at Pactly and we want to make sure all our users are well supported, even during their free trial period. Help us by including your company name, business email address and LinkedIn profile to speed up this process.

Are there any hidden charges or fees for the trial?

Absolutely not! We do not collect your credit card details to start a trial so there will be no charges or unexpected auto-renewals at the end of the trial period.

30 days have passed but I haven't had the time to ...

😱😱😱 That's it! Go back to your pen & paper approach! (Just kidding)

We understand that things get busy when you are a one-man band / small team. We are too! Drop Ivan a note at and we'll work something out.